I had read this earlier (before the morning got out of control) and had even printed it out and tucked it into my journal.
It's from Renee Swope's blog and it's simplicity really spoke to me this morning.
An strong oak or a puney pine?
Before Christ, I felt like a weak and wimpy pine tree. Tossed by the winds of my emotions. Defined by my circumstances. Uprooted by life's storms. Despair was my story.
But in CHRIST - I am rooted in God's love. With Christ I am...Strengthened by life's storms. Transformed by trials. An oak of righteousness, planted for HIS glory!
Because of Jesus, that is what we are...
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor. ~Isaiah 61:3
I'm linking this to Tuesdays Unwrapped over at Chatting at the Sky.This oak tree stood firm through the winds of Katrina.
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