Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It's here finally and it came to Georgia with a vengeance. It is so hot already! My mornings are nice-spent in the corner of a big old couch with a cup of coffee and my Bible. I've settled into some books I've had stacked up beside my quiet space. Francis Chan's Forgotten God and Crazy Love are kicking my butt. I don't even know how to respond to them, but I'm finding a willingness in my heart and peace as I've begged God to fill me with his Spirit and guide my every step. What are you reading?


Misty said...

thanks for stopping by my blog (via tuesdays unwrapped)! i just ordered crazy love yesterday... i think i'm due for a butt-kicking myself. i also ordered cold tangerines, and it looks just as good!

linda said...

Thank you for the comment on my blog...
it was a bad day yesterday, hence the post i put up on tuesday's unwrapped. I am so very thankful for the responses i got, i was feeling a little guilty for sharing such a downer.
I am a Stephen King fan, and so am reading "IT" for the fifth or sixth time. His stories may be gruesome and spooky, but there are always alot of life lessons in them, and alot of hope.