My SIL keeps our Bird on the Sunday nights we have our small group meeting. She loves spending time with her and they both stay busy throughout the evening. Last night my sil was reviewing ABC flashcards with her and trying to get her to come up with other words that started with the sound of the letter on the card. When they reached U my Bird couldn't think of any other words, so my sil said "underwear" which started lots of giggling. My Bird then responded "I know one-Um-diddle-diddle-um-diddleye". I love Mary Poppins!
My gratitude list continues:
21. Mary Poppins
22. Our sense of humor
23. Snow flurries
24. Inspiring words from unexpected places
25. T-Bone's New Job
26. Passion for following Christ
27. Shrimp Creole
28. The New Orleans Saints great season
29. New friends
30. Answered prayers
Hi Kim,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing yours. Good stuff!
Every good list should include Mary Poppins somewhere! Thank you for sharing, and the reminder.
HI Kim, It was great meeting you on my blog. Sometimes I feel like I am "bloging to the sky...so thanks. I enjoyed your blog also
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