Monday, July 20, 2009

Manic Monday

I have a crazy week ahead of me and am desperately trying to ignore the fact that two weeks from today at this time I will be sitting in a faculty meeting-a nice welcome back from summer. Last week I had to take a round of steroids to try and break a cycle of hives I have been having since February, so I was a bit crazy. Hopefully it worked and I (my husband too) am hoping I never need steroids again.

A couple of years ago I opened an online boutique and since I went back to work full time I have been trying to decide where to go with the shop. The economy has not helped any and I have been very undecided about the future of my shop. Anyways, I participate in a clearance sale in Atlanta and it is this week. Lots of work! Tagging, packing, hauling, and it was a nightmare getting help this year (everyone traveling). It is a great sale and if you like children's boutique clothing-a shopping fiesta! Things I need this week are lots of prayer and physical stamina and strength.

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